The show can be performed on the most complex or simplest of stages.
Ideally, the stage should have an intermediate curtain. This enables scenes with very few characters to take place in front of the curtain while the chorus assemble behind for the next scene. However, there are plenty of ways to overcome the absence of an intermediate curtain.
As regards scenery, while artistically produced backdrops can add considerably to the sense of theatre, the show can be staged without, relying on the singing and acting to hold the audience’s attention.
Consideration may be given to projecting backdrops or visual effects if this facility is available.
As regards props, no lifeboat is required! In the rescue scene, the lifeboatmen bring on stools as their benches and row with imaginary oars. Otherwise, little is required. On the bridge of the steamer a ship’s wheel (easily available on eBay in 2 to 3 foot diameter) adds realism.