The show centres around a smallish coastal town in the early 1920’s. The town’s economy is based on fishing, tourism and supporting local agriculture. The town's rowing lifeboat is manned by local fishermen.

Act One (7 scenes; 7 songs) mainly takes place on the town’s summer Lifeboat Day. Some songs reflect the event. Navy officer Jack and nurse Claire rekindle their acquaintance with romantic songs. In one scene the fisherfolk sing a shanty-type song about their lives. Some days later, in the last scene, the captain of a steamer sings a humorous song. The scene ends on a cautionary note.

At the start of Act Two, (9 scenes; 7 songs) the atmosphere changes entirely as the weather worsens and the steamer gets into difficulties. In terrible conditions, the lifeboat crew attempt to rescue the steamer’s crew, but all does not go to plan. Later, we discover the outcome.

The closing scenes of Act Two take place on Lifeboat Day a year later. We are entertained by the fishwives singing and find out what has transpired over the past year. The show ends on a jolly note.