FISHERMEN including Tuna and Sam, wear clothing of the period, quite likely heavy pullovers, baggy coarse trousers and boots, also a flat cap, a bit Peaky Blinders style, a woollen cap or a dark sou’wester. Much of this can be sourced from home or charity shops.

LIFEBOAT MEN can wear black “oilskins” and sou’westers. 

FISHWIVES wear typical clothing for their occupation, long skirts, blouses, sometimes shawls, HEAD COVERING?, dark heavy footwear (e.g. boots)

NURSES wear a uniform of long dress with white pinafore (optionally showing a red cross) and the matching cap

SAILORS in the 1920’s sailors would have worn similar uniforms of today but the caps had slightly sloping soft, usually black, tops with a cap band H.M.S. or HMS + ship’s name. They would have paraded wearing long black gaiters. However, modern day uniforms, with white-topped hats and short gaiters will be the way to go for most.

JACK for the parade, wears white shirt and black tie, a double-breasted reefer jacket with 6 or 8 gold buttons, dark matching trousers and black shoes. As an RNR officer, technically the rank bands on his sleeve (ideally two but one will suffice) are different from the bands on a Regular’s sleeve, which are easier to source. (RNVR officers had different, wavy, rings.) Jack’s officer’s peaked cap, in the period, would most likely have had a black top. However, a white top looks better on stage and is easier to source.

As first mate on a tramp steamer, Jack can be casually dressed. Pullover,  dark trousers and woollen cap would suffice, although reefer jacket and peaked cap is also good.

CLAIRE & GRACE when not in nurses’ uniforms (see above), wear long dresses or skirts typical of the period  and white shirts.

THE CAPTAIN can wear a reefer jacket, perhaps slightly scruffy, preferably with  4 stripes on the sleeve, and should wear a peaked cap, more Captain Birdseye than the smart Captain Smith of the Titanic.

HELMSMAN can wear a pullover and dark trousers. A cap is not necessary.